Scotland’s National Collective Takes on Owen Jones

As the people of Scotland who backed independence come to terms with their referendum defeat they are scrambling to find alternative routes to achieve freedom from London. As in all defeated causes, however temporary that defeat is, there are the inevitable Après match bouts of in-fighting. It is clearly no different in Scotland. National Collective’s Miriam Brett – a seasoned campaigner for the Scottish Yes movement and a contributor to the National Collective’s blog – launched at Twitter rocket on the English leftist Owen Jones. Brett asked Scots attending the STUC protest against austerity to remind Jones that “he chose Establishment and cuts against a movement of social justice.” Jones, who consistently writes and speaks out against the British Establishment and social inequality, brushed her off saying, “If you want to consider me the enemy, then fair enough.” Brett continued her tirade – with the support of National Collective – in claiming that Jones stood for “Unfettered Neoliberalism and Westminster.” Owen ended the discussion by pointing out the absurd demand that was being made of him; that he subscribe to everything that Brett and National Collective advocate or be considered “Lackeys of the Establishment.” Tensions are running high in Scotland after September, and this is understandable. National Collective undoubtedly expected to be at the business and creative cutting edge of a new Scotland by now, and now they are working hard to deal with present realities. Sounding off against potential allies in England is hardly a productive way forward, more especially when leftists in Scotland are now essential to the independence discussion.

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The Scot Nominations Begin

If the internet and social media has taught is anything at all it is that the mighty trend, the viral and the challenge have real power to change how people behave and how they think. From the controversial and dangerous Neknominations of last year to the wildly successful ALS Ice Bucket Challenge of the here and now, the engagement of social media users in internet-based events and causes has proven to be one of the most influential forces in the world. While the Scottish NO campaign, fighting a deeply negative crusade of fear and blackmail to keep Scotland within the United Kingdom, reels from its catastrophic attempt to employ the internet to patronise Scots with its Patronising Better Together Lady broadcast, the YES campaign is capturing the public mood. Rather than focusing on the problems that Scotland faces the campaigners for a fully independent Scotland are setting one another the challenge to broadcast all over Scottish social media the great things about their country. It is showing that there is an awareness of the modernity of Scotland and the role that it has to play in the future of Europe and the world. This flies in the face of the unionist dismissal of the Yessers as stuck in the fictitious past of Braveheart and romanticism. It looks as though the makers of the new Scotland are the cyber patriots.

One Last Splash

Ice BucketWith the installation of water meters underway and the arrival of our first water charges just over the horizon the charitable Irish have taken to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in a big way. The point of this viral shenanigan is to raise awareness for a serious disease, and raise some much needed funds for research and the treatment of sufferers. As the ‘ALS Challenge’ it has become something of a misnomer on this side of the Atlantic. Where in the States it is for the ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) Association, in the United Kingdom it is to raise awareness of and raise funds for the Motor Neurone Disease Association, and here in Ireland it’s all about IMNDA (Irish Motor Neuron Disease Association). It all starts when your little cousin, or someone you know, who never usually mails to your Facebook page, posts a video on their own page of them having a bucket of ice water (complete with ice-cubes) tossed over their head. Just prior to their humiliating drenching they make a hostage-style speech letting the world know that they will be donating to the charity – or, controversially enough, to another charity – and then nominate you. Thanks very much Nicola! [Read more…]

Paul Cairney: Politics & Public Policy

Professor of Politics and Public Policy, University of Stirling

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