Former Chair of Labour Friends of Israel set to Lead Scottish Labour

Those who have followed developments in Scotland over the past number of months will be acutely aware that the independence referendum campaign saw the division of two opinions on the political spectrum. On the one hand the Yes Scotland side of the debate was marked by its resistance to nuclear weapons and involvement in wars deemed illegal by the international community (among other things), and on the other the Better Together platform of pride in the British colonial project and militarism. Days after the rejection of independence in Scotland the government at Westminster decided to engage Scottish soldiers in another invasion of Iraq – much to the delight of the State of Israel which has ceaselessly lobbied both the US and the UK to continue military action in the region. With the resultant collapse of the Labour Party in Scotland in the aftermath of its pyrrhic victory over the independence movement Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont has stepped down, leaving a power vacuum in the party. Few wish to touch this particular hot potato except for Jim Murphy MP. Murphy, who has served as the chair of Labour Friends of Israel, has been a firm defender of the State of Israel and its numerous invasions of Gaza and the ghettoization of the West Bank. Jim Murphy’s potential leadership of Scottish Labour is bound to further antagonise an independence movement that has been keen to promote peace and justice at home and abroad.

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